You're the air that I breathe to survive

...without you my sun doesn't shine

Stupid Germany! I hate them! When the germans (including the very good-looking guy) come thios year I won't even look at them. I hate them! Argentina was supposed to win the whole worldcup and they would if not the stupid germans scored four times! I mean, I could take if Spain won the semi-final so Argentina didn't go to the finals, but NOT GERMANY!!!
Me and Mina bought a Spain T-shirt, I bought one with "RAMOS 15" on the back and Mina bought one with "TORRES 9" on the back. We also bought other Spain stuff so on wednesday we're going to a bar and we're going to make Spain win just because we hate Germany! Well...because I hate Germany, but I think Mina hates them to!! We're going to screem (?) and be madrileños for just a few hours. And we're going to win. Spain is going to win.

Okey, now I'm done about my anger for Germany.
Eclips was really good, but the New Moon fan as I am didn't think it was as good as the second movie. But..very okey. Even thougt it wasn't any swedish text in the movie I totally understood everything wich made me kinda proud of myself :) And when we come home again we're going to watch it again..and again and again and again ;) hehe, no, I'm just kidding, only one more time before it comes on DVD.

I'm not going to tell you all what I bought this weekend, on our "shopping-weekend", since that would destroy some of my presents ;) You just have to wait and see :)))

The last week has started :( Soon I will be home again :) Tomorrow we'll start packing, we need time for that since we are a bit afraid that we won't get everything home. But I say as Mina, If the things doesn't get home, I stay to! ;)

Goodnight and Goodbye


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